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News by Lamech

We are a fast growing corporation. This is the main reason for us changing our old name of Føroya Sparikassi into Eik Bank. The new name was implemented on 19 December.

We strongly wish to strenghten our business internationally and to intensify relations to our business partners and customers abroad. This requires a short, new name and a modern visual identity.

The new name originates from our strong roots and 174 years of history. "Eik" is the nordic version of the word "oak". The oak tree has been our logo for many years, and with the new name and identity we wish to signal strenght, stability, solidity, experience and credibility.

Behind the new name and visual identity you will find the same skilled employees as before and we deliver the same professional services as allways.

Read more on our website: www.eik.fo.

Vuzman on December 19 2006 13:32:55
og hetta kemur tvær vikur aftaná "størsta altjóða lánið til eina føroyska fyritøku nakrantí­ð." Siindur mistonkiligt... smiley
Vuzman on December 19 2006 13:35:09
Forrestin hví­ skal tað nýggja logoið vera so ljótt?

Norlander on December 19 2006 13:44:10
What the hell...please read this before you post a news item that cannot be read by normal people (brown color font wtf?!?):
rules for news item posts, and the old thread that led to these rules.
fjallsbak on December 19 2006 14:35:42
Mí­tt preview ví­sti hví­tan txt ikki brúnan.
Boddin on December 19 2006 16:27:08
Eitt megnar logo. Eg sýggji hasa styrkjuna teir bræa til frá eikini...
Jogvanth on December 19 2006 16:51:06
Ja tú, hvar bleiv handan eikin av????
fjallsbak on December 20 2006 00:09:45
Var tað alt sum kom burturúr ? Viðmerkingar um eitt logo sum tykkum ikki dáma. Og mistanka um eitt stórt lán sum skal brúkast til okkurt hemmiligt.

So er tað heila er bara eitt stig (ella fleiri) tann skeiva vegin ?
Boddin on December 20 2006 00:30:38
Eg sí­ggji ikki tað positiva við hesari navna broyting, men ak eg havi jú ikki nomi hægriskúla. Kanska onkur lærdur kann siga mær hvat er alt tað við hesum.
Meiningin við navninum er fí­n nokk (Eik, oak = megi), men tað sær bara út sum ein link á onkrari sí­ðu, lí­ka sum FT (føroya tele). Tað gamla hevið jú eina eik og FT hevið eitt veðra høvd. Kanska Føroya Bjór seldi meira veðrar um teir broyttu navni til kolsýrnu boblan og høvdu eina boblu á etikettini, lættari og meira nútí­ðar hóskandi....
Yutani on December 20 2006 01:34:33
I for one like the new name.
It is a bit hard to imagine how an english speaking person will recieve it, I'll have to remember to ask Stephen. But I am sure it is easier and more memorable for foreigners than Føroya Sparikassi.

That said I have to agree with Heini that the logo is a bit on the ugly side. I think the font is ok, but could be better and the color scheme is slightly off.

Here is a company that uses the lime/gray scheme and makes it work: Marketminds

The setup is only slightly diffrent, but I think it makes a big diffrence. They use a slightly lighter gray and they never place the two colors side by side.
Norlander on December 20 2006 02:43:42
I think that this change is for the worse. One of the greatest assets the bank had before was it's precieved "old and secure" status. Now it's looks like something "pop-smart" that came out of yuppie land, and it probably did...and that might be good for the short-term, but in the long term, not so much.

Take a comparison with how great banks like UBS market themselves. UBS uses a logo made of 3 large keys and runs commercials set in classical music concert halls...the symbolic meaning should not be lost on anyone.
Jogvanth on December 20 2006 07:12:33
They even marketed themselves as a "sparikassi" as far as I remember. They staunchly rejected the term "bank". This new makeover will probably make their international marketing a lot eaiser, but I believe they will loose a lot of ground at home. Especially with the possibility of a renewed economic crisis around the bend.
Vuzman on December 20 2006 08:42:03
I actually like the colors, but think the font is horrendously ugly. E's that look like mirrored 3's should be outlawed, and that k is asymmetric. The whole logo looks like a 1st grade kid that's just learning to write wrote it. Good effort for a 1st grade kid, but not so much for a brand. It just doesn't look iconic.

The new homepage looks clean and simple, but it's still a bit cluttered, and the logo is kind of hovering all by itself in a weird position. I first thought there was something wrong with the browser rendering, but no, it's supposed to be there. The HTML code isn't convincingly professional (ahem), which the image I posted in my earlier comment also attests to (It is the logo from the front page; the white space is included in the image because that was the only way the "designer" could manage to position the logo where it is. Amateurish). I might also add that there are 5 different shades of grey and 3 different shades of green. Maybe you should have hired a real designer?

I agree with Norlander that the branding is very current, very 2006. I doubt it will be appropriate in 2016.

The name is undoubtedly better for foreign relations, but it doesn't work that well in Faroese. This might, and will probably, change over time, and in a few years it will be natural. I also like that you dropped the sparikassi thing, as it's really just a bank these days. Few people knew what the difference was to a bank, and no one cared.

@lamech: Did you expect anything but superficial remarks to a superficial change? smiley
OKJones on December 20 2006 13:05:50
Púra einigur við vuzman viðví­kjandi logoinum.

Navnið skal nokk koma til at ljóða fornuftigt, tað tekur eitt sindur av tí­ð so hevur man vant seg við tað og tað fer at ljóða heilt natúrligt. Kall ljóðaði heldur ikki heilt natúrligt í­ mí­num oyrum fyrstu ferð.

Eg haldi ikki at teir fara at "loosa a lot of ground" sum jogvanth sigur. Eg trúgvi ikki nakar fer at hyggja at navninum, tá hann skal velja ein banka. Men tekur sjálvandi tað besta tilboði. Navnið verður so í­ øllum førum ikki nakar avgerandi faktorur. Tað er so í­ øllum førum eitt stutt og einfalt navn.
Vuzman on December 20 2006 13:25:37
Mær dámdi annars at peningastovnarnir í­ Føroyum (eg veit har eru fleiri, men gloym teir) itu Føroya Banki og Føroya Sparikassi... Tað var eitt sindur sum at hetta er bankin vit hava í­ Føroyum, og hetta er sparikassin smiley
Spiff on December 20 2006 22:16:04
deilig nyggj heimasiða, og einkult navn.

Meeen finni ik (waldo) lamech a felagsmyndini.
Roffen on December 21 2006 00:00:36
I think the change came as quite a surprise for us all. You need to get used to the new name, but we'll get there eventually. It's just when you change something this common, it takes a while to get used to.

As for the logo, letters are always bad as they normally signal something comtemperary, e.g. the letters used didn't even exist 40 years ago, my sister used to write those 'e's at school.

That said, I like the colors of the logo, I like the name of the 'new' bank and I hope they will be more willing to help their customers in the future smiley though, I've had exellent help and support from Lamech smiley
fjallsbak on December 21 2006 14:22:04
Thank you all for your comments, observations and other very good input.smiley

The change of the name is a definate improvement for our business outside the Faroe Islands. The old name was very clumbersome when dealing with non faroese. The old logo was on several occations percieved as a vegetable such as brocolli by non faroese.

Our halfyear accoutns for 2006 showed that 60% of our income was from outside the Faroe Islands.

In the Faroe Islands, the name and logo where very well known and established.

The law changes in 1994 changed all sparikassar into bankar in order to get some competition. The reason was that Sjóvinnubankin, Føroya Banki and Fossbankin all had gone backrupt in the early 1990'ties.

Føroya Sparikassi has technally been a bank since 1994, even though we tried to market ourselves otherwise foe a while. So the name change from Sparikassi to Bank was natural and long overdue.

I guess that we will not get any new faroese customers because of the name change, but we will probally lose some. Those that we lose are those that are really upset that we changed the name.

The old logo is from 1994. It is not a surprise that there are many views on the new logo. Some like it, others are neutral, and some do not like it. The logo is made by our marketing people and not some child.

I do like the colours, but the font is not great. Actually our marketing people have made an entire font in the same style, that we can use in our letters and such. And I miss a logo that does not have txt in it.

I think that the webpage is a step for the worse. It seems more cluttered that the old one. You are welcome to contact them in order get the webpage contract.

On an other note - Elysium needs a logo. perhaps you could make proposals and leav them in the forum.

@norlander: Yep, a bit on the pop smart side. One of my teachers in uni said that in the long term we are all dead.

@jogvanth: economic crisis around the bend ?

@vuzman: I did actually

@spiff: Eg eri við á onkrari mynd. Tað finnast fleiri útgávur. smiley

@roffen: Just let me know and I will invest (squander) more of your money. smiley
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