Vuzmanon February 14 2022 12:56:34
Check out the comments...
Grizlason February 14 2022 22:54:04
Looking forward to this.
Not sure what is up with the comments...either a botnet or some very dedicated and disgruntled fans. But lets face it - making any part of Silmarillion into a movie or series is bound to piss off a lot of people. If I was a hardcore Tolkien fan, I suppose I would want them to leave that book alone.
Norlanderon February 14 2022 23:14:50
Its a lot of people who are angry at bald elves and Princess Leia buns on dwarfs, oh and Galadriel dressed up as a knight in shining armor, when she has never been a sword fighter, but rather a magic user. Others counter with this being people being angry at the casting of black people and women in powerful roles.
Anyhow plenty of LOTR communities are up in arms about this, including dividing r/lotr into two camps arguing with each with some ferocity. Funny part is that quote is not a real Tolkien quote, but rather an amalgamation of several quotes.