Vuzmanon May 13 2019 15:50:44
Nah. There's a promising new battery tech every week, and like every time, “more research is needed to scale it up into a practical large-scale battery.”
Grizlason May 13 2019 17:46:43
I follow battery technology a bit, and you are right: there is news of some battery breakthrough every other day.
However, when the top battery dude at Tesla - the undisputed industry leader on Li-ion battery cells, gives something a rave review, we probably should take notice.
“The paper by the University of Maryland and the Army team is the most creative new battery chemistry I have seen in at least 10 years. The fact that the LiCl and LiBr reversibly convert and form halogen intercalated graphite is truly incredible. The team has demonstrated encouraging reversibility for 150 cycles and have shown that high energy densities should be attainable in 4-volt cells that contain no transition metals and no non-aqueous solvents. It remains to be seen if a practical long-lived commercial cell can be developed, but I am very excited by this research.”