Laluuon November 13 2011 22:46:00
If you read the comments, you can see that the author of the article is misrepresenting what the pope was actually saying. The author leaves out key parts of the pope's speech.
Laluuon November 14 2011 14:03:45
Don't get me wrong... I'm no fan of the pope.
But my view is, that if you disagree with someone/something, it's usually a good idea to look at their statements and arguments and base your opinion/rebuttal on that.
By misrepresenting or over-analysing your opponents' claims, you will damage your own cause, since your own arguments or counter-points will be false.
Lazaruson November 14 2011 17:41:06
Sorry my bad, read this 10 min. before going to bed last night, and did not read the comments...