Norlanderon October 08 2011 15:51:34
Wondering if I should + or - this.
The link itself is useful, as most of wikipedia is, +1 for that maybe... Kongavant/Aqua Regia is something we learned about in school, so -1 for forgetting knowledge that you already have learned.
Guess the usefulness of dissolving gold makes this a - overall, but then again, we don't have too many links up lately, so + for activity?
so -1 for forgetting knowledge that you already have learned.
Interesting perspective. Some argue that forgetting helps our brains
Boddinon October 08 2011 17:06:21
So I should: +1 for wiki, +1 for not learning in school, maybe the germans have a cunning plan in the coming years +1, and activity +1.