Laluuon September 20 2009 22:23:17
Interesting article, but the comments are even better.
Somewhere way down in the comments to the article, someone makes this observation, which I think many people should keep in mind:
Kerplonk says: September 20, 2009 at 9:46 am
I would just like to point out 2 things. Firstly no-one want’s to be considered a bigot and even in a situation where privacy is guaranteed people are going to self censor to that effect. Unlike the other groups athiesm is pretty universally considered to be a personal choice (Muslim usually translates to arab in most people’s minds, and conservative or not 70% of the US is christian, as far as jews go I’d like to not resort to Godwin’s Law). Saying you wouldn’t vote for an athiest or whatever is like saying you wouldn’t vote for a liberal.
Secondly when determining the “Most Hated Minority” you need to consider the intensity as well as the scale of that hatred. In 2007 there were a wopping 6 hate crimes against Athiest, the lowest of any group mentioned. That’s only .0006% of the total hate crimes commited for the year. Of those 6 crimes only one was violent in nature. Compare that with 3275 crimes against blacks 969 of which were violent and its a pretty insignificant number.
I’m not saying its okay to be anti athiest or anything I’m just trying to point out that this article is misrepresenting the level of discrimination athiest face
Grizlason September 21 2009 12:29:08
Nice observations...adds some perspective