To be honest, I don't think any of these is going to "smack down" the Wii. The Wii is all about gameplay and fun, and I think Nintendo is much better at this than the two others, regardless of which has the better gimmick.
It's also worth remembering that the Wii was shown at E3 four years ago (!) ... So this is what Sony and MS could come up with after scrambling for four years? Sony even having a head start with their EyeToy? I'm not impressed. This was supposed to be the future!
Grizlason June 03 2009 11:20:49
I haven't seen the video demonstration of Natal but my imagination is tickled by it. Compared to sony's rather lame attempt with two controllers, the Natal promises controller free limb movement. I will be able to extend my hand and finally throw a fireball like I always wanted! As I understand it, the Wii is very limited compared to full limb control, but I've never tried it myself.
Nintendo will most likely enter the fray next year and put both sony and microsoft to shame. You're probably right about this being a case of too little too late. We'll know next year!
picture it....."enabling users to wield weapons, fire a bow and arrow, write on screen and manipulate objects in a virtual environment."
maybe the future is finally almost here?
Vuzmanon June 03 2009 14:59:13
Where's my jetpack?
Grizlason June 03 2009 17:36:09
ahhhh...can't stop thinking about this.
2 years from now I'll be standing in front of a cheap 70 inch LED screen playing some awesome computer game with nothing but own body. Alienizer will finally get back in shape through a Karate training game that gives points for correctly executed katas. I will finally be able to "use the force" in some amazing jedi knight game where we'll be fighting eachother with light sabres. With some intricate movement of my hands I'll finally be able to raise the dead and be a proper necromancer...the posibilities are only limited by your imagination