Dawkins & Singer on the Colbert Report
Posted by Norlander on January 07 2007 22:00:52
Being in Stewart and Colbert withdrawal (they're on x-mas holiday til tomorrow) I went into the backlog of their show to get my smile fix...surprisingly an interview came up that I think some of you will find interesting. Turns out that Colbert interviewed BOTH Richard Dawkins and Peter Singer last month.
Extended News

Being in Stewart and Colbert withdrawal (they're on x-mas holiday til tomorrow) I went into the backlog of their show to get my smile fix...surprisingly an interview came up that I think some of you will find interesting. Turns out that Colbert interviewed BOTH Richard Dawkins and Peter Singer last month. They are good interviews, given the style that Colbert has (a fake right wing talk show that ripped Bush a new one during a White House Press Dinner) it's a good bet that he, in reality, is onboard with Dawkins and with Singer he is at least enough onboard to give him an enormous publicity boost (Stewart & Colbert are among the highest rated shows in the US in the group 18-35).

Richard Dawkins Part I
Richard Dawkins Part II

I think that Richard Dawkins manages his interview in style, yes it is brief but he gets some good points out, and probably another 100k to 1mill new people to buy his book (Colbert reaches many more viewers but some have heard of him before and others are probably against him), so in all this is a boon in the progression of rational thinking.

Peter Singer Part I
Peter Singer Part II

This interview with Peter Singer I have some problems with, yes Singer is more controversial then Dawkins, and therefore he isn't as popular with audience, which goes to show how this issue rouses feelings even on the left side of the political spectrum, Colbert's audience is afterall a very progressive audience. In the end though the same thing applies. Another 100k to 1mill new people will have noticed and some of those will pick up his book, a boon to the progression of rational thinking.

Now as for what is said during the interviews: A few good points and one that amazed me, Singer admitting that humans are natural omnivores... fear not vuzman - Singers further point is that we are nautrally many other things that one doesn't do in a civilized society.