Michael J. Fox on Stem Cell Research
Posted by Norlander on October 21 2006 16:18:27
Not all politics is local.

Was doing my regular round of reading politcal blogs when I fell upon
this ad. 

The ad is made for Claire McCaskill, who is running for a seat in the U.S. Senate. Her opponent, the sitting republican "christian values" senator has tried to make stem cell research illegal in the U.S.

Now I have seen many political ads, but what made this different is that McCaskill got Michael J. Fox to do it, and to see the state he is in now because of his Parkinson's disease...it moved me.

Extended News
Not all politics is local.

Was doing my regular round of reading politcal blogs when I fell upon
this ad. 

The ad is made for Claire McCaskill, who is running for a seat in the U.S. Senate. Her opponent, the sitting republican christian values senator has tried to make stem cell research illegal in the U.S.

Now I have seen many political ads, but what made this different is that McCaskill got Michael J. Fox to do it, and to see the state he is in now because of his Parkinson's disease...it moved me.

It's not that long ago that MJF was still a productive actor, and he still looks young, but to see him trying to contain his spasms...that's when it hits home. Damned be the people that try to enforce their narrowminded bigoted beliefs upon others. Damned be you for the pain and suffering you thereby cause.

If you don't want a cure for cancer and Parkinson's fine, don't use it yourself...but you have no business trying to stop us from developing one for ourselves.

Not all politics is local...